Claudio Baglioni ospite eccezionale alla FAO
Claudio Baglioni è stato ospite eccezionale alla sede della FAO il 24 aprile u.s. per l'inaugurazione dello Sheikh Zayed International Media and Knowledge Centre. La sala verrà inaugurata dallo Sceicco degli Emirati Arabi, Sua Altezza Reale Abdullah bin Zayed al Nahyan e il Direttore Generale della FAO Josè Graziano Da Silva. Di seguito vi riportiamo , il discorso di Claudio Baglioni : Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, first of all I would like to pay my respects to His Royal Highness, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to the Director General, Graziano da Silva, and I want to thank everyone of you for the great honor of being here today and this is the reason why I wrote these words. I’m not used to read but the emotion could be really strong. You know: I'm a musician, a composer, a singer, a songwriter also an architect, but this is another story and I feel much more comfortable with music and stages than with speeches, so I really hope you will forgive me. We live times we should call communication era. Every human being is, actually or potentially, linked with everyone else on our planet. Information is almost everything. And exchanging information is one of the most important aspects of our life. Music and Art are probably the best medium we have. The only language in the world that everyone can speak and understand. Even those who don't know how to write it or read it. I think that music is always been the real Esperanto. And in some way we could say that music is everybody's mother tongue. Thanks to music, the whole world can easily share emotions and feelings, exchange news and information. In the last ten years, the O'scia' Foundation has experienced the power of music. Thanks to the O'scia' concerts born on Lampedusa island, (which is a sort of land of hope for the migrants from Africa and Asia) thousands of people from different countries, cultures, traditions and faiths met, knowing each-other, learning mutual respect, catching the value of diversity and start turning it into a precious resource for everyone. That's precisely what we need to do to explain people, hearts, minds and consciences, that achieving food security for all is the most important and pressing goal and must be the first commitment for the government of all our countries. As I was arriving here today, my mind went back to october 1996: theWorld Food Day Concert in Rome. The first one but unfortunately the only one never done over again. I was one of the authors of that amazing event, -I remember a crowd, an audience five hundred thousands people- more then a half of million persons before me, live broadcasted world wide from the Colosseum and I was there, with some of the greatest artists in the world, proud to be an ambassador of FAO and hopeful that music could help promoting and supporting FAO's mission. And today I'm as proud as I was back then. Proud to be here, hoping music will once again help us to remind everybody that we cannot neither talk of progress nor of growth of the world economy unless every man and woman on Earth will have regular access to enough high-quality food in order to lead and active, and healthy life. Thank you.
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